
Monthly Archives: November 2017

The Inaccurate View of Science

If I have one purpose in life, it is to enlighten those around me. All too often, if one has a social and political awareness, we are going to hear such statements as, “Science has proved this,” or “Science has proved that,” and it will be implied in a way that it is absolute. So […]

WebZone: Ayurveda – The Science of Life

Ayurveda means science of life. This is a science that not only deals with the treatment of the diseased condition but also teaches us with the various methodologies that are essential to carry out a healthy and happy living. Lord Brahma, the creator according to Hindu mythology created this earth in six days. It included […]

WebZone: From Mummies to T-shirts: the History of Cats

The facts and figures in this article may not be 100% accurate – I wasn’t around to witness the history of the cat from the very beginning about 5000 years ago, so I’ve had to rely on various sources and my own imagination in equal parts. Furthermore, it’s not supposed to be totally accurate – […]

WebZone: Psychology and Philosophy – Uneasy Siblings

Most of us who work in some aspect of philosophy have had the experience of trying to explain to someone that philosophy is not psychology. To those members of the philosophical set, the distinction may seem obvious, but any attempt to spell it out requires some careful thought and reflection, which is what I attempt […]

Rethinking History

History is a misnomer and should be a discipline that embodies Histories. The term History if used would be logo-centric and rooted in a Western Historical paradigm. I was reading a book on Rethinking History by the post-modern Historian Jenkins. The book brings out Philosophical perspectives on the writing of History that is Historiography. In […]

WebZone: From God to Newton and The Reconciliation of Science and Theology

It is common sense that in the so-called “Dark Ages” of the medieval Europe, theology predominated in all the area from theocracy to regalia and became the absolute authority in the spiritual world of European. Science was left no space in the magnificent palace ruled by theology and was seen as heterodoxy. At that time, […]

WebZone: A Letter to Science About the Antidote for Cancer

The 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi was the co-founder of the American National Foundation for Cancer Research. His ‘Letter to Science’ in 1974 stated that the accepted criteria for applying for crucial government cancer research funding was counterproductive. From his political-medical science perspective, the funding for a cure for cancer was prevented because the […]

WebZone: Why Indian Science Lagged Behind Western Science?

Science is the study of theory, its verification through observation and experimentation to verify those observations in the context of the theory. If the theory is verifiable through an experiment and a meticulous observation then it is successful otherwise not. Science includes various areas of study like physics, chemistry, mathematics etc. Science is passion of […]

WebZone: Dream World Science: We Will Need to Discard Materialism to Find a Theory of Everything

The hallmark of science is its willingness to discard outmoded theories when a better, more explanatory model comes along. But today, science practices this principle only within the paradigm of materialism. By this term I mean a model of the universe based upon the assumption that matter came before mind, that the universe and all […]

WebZone: Two Science-Art Philosophies – Utopia or Oblivion?

A warning to the reader: This article argues that modern science has been turned upside down, revealing the remedy to Steven Hawking’s observation that the greatest mistake humanity has ever made was to invent artificial intelligence. The correction to that mistake necessitates an up-to-date familiarity with Buckminster Fuller and C P Snow’s third culture, in […]