
Monthly Archives: November 2017

WebZone: 15 Simple ways to add Ayurveda in everyday life

Life (ayu) is the combination of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is comprised of two words (ayur – life and veda-knowledge or science) which means life of science. It is not only the holistic approach to heal the sickness but an ancient scripture for good health and fitness.  A disciplined routine is an […]

WebZone: Effectiveness Of Ayurvedic Medicine For Eczema Skin

Eczema is a term used in the medical science that denotes multiple skin problems. These may include itching, irritation, inflammation, redness and burning sensation on the skin. Even there may be appearance of scaly patches on the skin. Allergies are chiefly responsible causing this type of skin condition. The sufferer keeps on scratching the affected […]