Category : Philosophy
Most of us who work in some aspect of philosophy have had the experience of trying to explain to someone that philosophy is not psychology. To those members of the philosophical set, the distinction may seem obvious, but any attempt to spell it out requires some careful thought and reflection, which is what I attempt […]
The hallmark of science is its willingness to discard outmoded theories when a better, more explanatory model comes along. But today, science practices this principle only within the paradigm of materialism. By this term I mean a model of the universe based upon the assumption that matter came before mind, that the universe and all […]
A warning to the reader: This article argues that modern science has been turned upside down, revealing the remedy to Steven Hawking’s observation that the greatest mistake humanity has ever made was to invent artificial intelligence. The correction to that mistake necessitates an up-to-date familiarity with Buckminster Fuller and C P Snow’s third culture, in […]